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Green Believers

Where Cannabis & Social Equity Meet

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California’s legalization of recreational cannabis in ​2016 ushered in a multibillion-dollar industry ​estimated to be the largest legal weed market in the ​world. But many of the promises of legalization have ​proved elusive. In a series of occasional stories, we’ll ​explore the fallout of legal pot in California.

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Only 16 out of 30 cities and counties ​awarded funding for social equity programs ​since 2018.

A mere 11 jurisdictions have granted social ​equity business permits out of 30 that ​received state funding in the past 5 years.

3 areas - Humboldt County, Los Angeles, ​and Oakland - account for 77% of ​California's total social equity licenses.

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7 localities had no approved social equity ​program structure by the end of 2022, ​despite receiving funding.

Non-equity permits outnumber social ​equity permits 4,001 to 907 in jurisdictions ​with equity licensing programs.

18 jurisdictions have failed to award a single ​social equity permit after accepting state ​funding.

Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development. (2023). California Cannabis Equity ​Grant Annual Report 2023. Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development

“Transformation ​happens at the ​speed of Trust

The Equity Workshop Tour is blazing a trail for inclusivity in ​the cannabis sector. This transformative event series ​empowers social equity entrepreneurs, advocates, and ​industry leaders to collaborate, share insights, and build an ​equitable ecosystem. The Los Angeles stop was a ​resounding success, fostering meaningful connections ​and driving progress toward a just, responsible cannabis ​industry that uplifts diverse voices and communitie

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Thrilled to be a part of The Equity Workshop Tour's LA stop! This transformative series is ​blazing a trail for inclusivity in cannabis. The energy was electric – fostering connections and ​driving progress towards a more just and equitable cannabis industry for all.

--- Cheryl Branch

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What We Do

Our team of experts will help you navigate the ever-​changing regulatory landscape of the legal cannabis ​industry, from training and business development to ​amplifying public policy and industry guidelines to closing ​system gaps. We empower cannabis leaders for success ​in the legal cannabis ecosystem!

Let us help you identify and close system gaps, prevent ​bad actors, and ensure that revenues are accurately ​captured.

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Unlock your cannabis business potential with free expert ​advice from TheGreenBelievers-

Cheryl A. Branch

Managing Director & ​founder

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Samyr Codio, CPA

Tax planning, ​Auditing, & Financial ​statement ​preparation

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Toni Forge, Esq

Attorney/Cannabis ​Consultant, Business ​strategy development, & ​Licensing assistance

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Cedric Farmer

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Reentry Services Director/ ​Sr. Faith-Based Organizer

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Ronda Dixon, Esq

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Attorney, Expungements, ​Criminal Defense, & Legal ​Education

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Keith Rogers

Small Business ​Development, Financial ​services, SBA Loans, and ​Grants

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Dr. Dilara Kadriye Üsküp, PhD, PhD

Cannabis Research Scientist, ​Medical Investigator, Theologian, ​& Curriculum Specialist

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Our team of industry experts understands the unique challenges of the legal Cannabis industry.

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Nichole Banks

Administrative Specialist

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Technology is transforming the business models of cannabis ​businesses across the world, creating new opportunities for growth, ​and fresh benchmarks of cost and efficiency"

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The Green Believers

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Where Cannabis and Social Equity Meet

We are a cannabis government consultancy that helps regulators serve cannabis licensees and consumers better.

What We Do

We equip government regulators with the data and tools to regulate the legal cannabis industry effectively.

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Education and Training

We provide education and training on cannabis ​laws, regulations, and best practices to ​government regulators, their staff, and cannabis ​licensees.

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Technical Assistance

We provide technical advice to government ​regulators on various issues, such as developing and ​implementing licensing programs, enforcing ​regulations, and conducting compliance audits.

Software Development - Audit Website Data

Data Analysis

We collect and analyze data on the cannabis industry to ​help government regulators make informed decisions.


Community Outreach

We engage with the public to raise awareness of ​cannabis laws and regulations and to gather feedback on ​how government regulators can better serve the ​cannabis industry.

Let’s talk


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Green Believers

Where Cannabis & Social Equity Meet

Get a FREE Consultation!